Difference Between Cement Plaster and Gypsum Plaster

Difference Between Cement Plaster and Gypsum Plaster

Difference Between Cement Plaster and Gypsum Plaster

Introduction Between Cement Plaster Vs Gypsum Plaster

 The cement plaster is an intimate mixture of Portland cement, sand with water.

The mixture ratio of cement plaster is varied with the requirements of the work purpose. The cement plaster mixed at the site as required quantity of the work and nowadays it is available in the readymade package.

The cement plaster is used in interior and exterior walls. On the other hand, gypsum cement is known by chemists as hydrous calcium sulfate and naturally occurring water-soluble mineral, which is formed crystal and found frequently.

It is made by produce plaster of Paris a chalky by heating gypsum at low temperature to drive off water. Gypsum plaster is commonly used to repair broken bones and molds. The gypsum plaster is commonly used for ceiling and interior walls.

What Is Cement Plaster?

The cement plaster is an intimate mixture of Portland cement, sand with water. The cement plaster is used in interior and exterior walls.

What Is Gypsum Plaster?

The gypsum plaster is known by chemists as hydrous calcium sulfate and naturally occurring water-soluble mineral, which is formed crystal and found frequently.

It is made by produce plaster of Paris a chalky by heating gypsum at low temperature to drive off water. Gypsum plaster is commonly used to repair broken bones and molds. The gypsum plaster is commonly used for ceiling and interior walls.

Difference Between Cement Plaster and Gypsum Plaster

There are have been much difference between cement plaster and gypsum plaster that’s are below.

1. Cement Plaster Vs Gypsum Plaster: Definition

Cement Plaster: Cement plaster is a mixture of suitable plaster, sand, Portland cement and water which is normally applied to masonry interiors and exteriors to achieve a smooth surface. Interior surfaces sometimes receive a final layer of gypsum plaster

Gypsum Plaster: Gypsum plaster, white cementing material made by partial or complete dehydration of the mineral gypsum, commonly with special retarders or hardeners added. Applied in a plastic state (with water), it sets and hardens by chemical recombination of the gypsum with water

2. Cement Plaster Vs Gypsum Plaster: Surface 

Cement Plaster: Cement plaster cannot be applied on smooth surfaces.

Gypsum Plaster: Gypsum plaster can be applied on smooth as well as a rough surface.

3. Cement Plaster Vs Gypsum Plaster: Shrinkage

Cement Plaster: Cement plaster can develop shrinkage because it has Low tensile hand fractural and strength.

Gypsum Plaster: Gypsum plaster can prevent shrinkage because it has high tensile and flexural strength.

4. Cement Plaster Vs Gypsum Plaster: Curing

Cement Plaster: In the case of cement plaster pre-curing and post-curing is required.

Gypsum Plaster: In the case of gypsum plaster, no curing is required.

5. Cement Plaster Vs Gypsum Plaster: Against Fungus

Cement Plaster: Cement plaster is not considered as save from fungus malts et cetera.

Gypsum Plaster: Gypsum plaster is an anti-fungus plaster and it does not get affected by any insects.

6. Cement Plaster Vs Gypsum Plaster: Wastages 

Cement Plaster: During the application of cement, plaster wastages are high.

Gypsum Plaster: While during the application of gypsum plaster the wastage is nominal.

7. Cement Plaster Vs Gypsum Plaster: Mixture

Cement Plaster: The mixture of sand and cement is done on-site in different ratios it is generally done by unskilled labour and hence not likely to be accurate and perfect.

Gypsum Plaster: Gypsum plaster is premixed and available in easy to handle bags only addition of water is required resulting in less wastage of time labor and material.

8. Cement Plaster Vs Gypsum Plaster: Advantages

Advantages of Cement Plaster

  1. The advantage of cement plaster is it can use on the interior or exterior surface of the walls.
  2. For mixed cement plaster at purpose ratio skilled labor is not required this is another advantage of cement plaster.
  3. The cement plaster has less or more thermal conductivity.
  4. The most important advantage of cement plaster is the perfect ratio of mixture cement coating gives a durable and strong wall finishing.
  5. The common advantage of cement plaster helps to hide faulty workmanship.
  6. To provide a plane and smooth surface for painting or other works the cement plaster is used.
  7. Another advantage of cement plaster is it prevents the building or walls from dampness.

Advantages of Gypsum Plaster

  1. The advantage of gypsum plaster is, as compared to traditional cement plaster it has low shrinkage property.
  2. The advantage of gypsum cement is after drying its has high strength, lightweight, and durability.
  3. To make a soundproof room the gypsum plaster is commonly used because it has good sound absorption property.
  4. The most important advantage of gypsum cement is it is used to save time and a lot of water because it is not required water treatment.
  5. The gypsum plaster saves time for the construction, in this gypsum plaster, the setting time of plaster is just 3 days, which is increasing the construction speed. And for the cement plaster, it is required for 21 days.
  6. The advantage of gypsum cement is it is very lighter than other cement plaster.
  7. Another advantage of gypsum cement is it is used for cantilever design and false ceiling design.
  8. The lightweight cement makes it very durable and protects from earthquakes.
  9. The advantage of gypsum cement is it is not to required curing after construction.
  10. The gypsum plaster has the fire resistance property.
  11. In this gypsum plaster, the walls are gained a smooth surface easily.

9. Gypsum Plaster Vs Cement Plaster: Disadvantages

Disadvantages of Gypsum Plaster

  1. The most important disadvantage of gypsum cement is for the outside of the walls it is cannot be used.
  2. The gypsum plastering cannot be done in a wet place like, bathroom, kitchen, etc.
  3. As compared to the same thickness of traditional cement plaster, gypsum plaster is very costly. It is the disadvantage of gypsum cement, for the gypsum plaster expert, labor is needed.

Disadvantages of Cement Plaster

  1. The most important disadvantage of cement plaster is it is a week plaster in the tension zone.
  2. The disadvantage of cement plaster is it is not done a smooth surface.
  3. The cement plaster does not provide a smooth surface it provides a rough surface.
  4. The common disadvantage of cement plaster is during the plaster wastages are high.
  5. In this cement plaster post-curing and pre-curing are required.
  6. As a fire-resistance material cement plaster become brittle and with the walls, the bond of the cement plaster becomes loses.
  7. The density of cement plaster as compare to gypsum plaster is high so the load of the building increase in cement plasterwork.
  8. The cement plaster cannot use green building material.

10. Cement Plaster Vs Gypsum Plaster: Uses

Uses of Cement Plaster

  1. The important use of cement plaster is it can use on the interior or exterior surfaces of the walls.
  2. The cement plaster has less or more thermal conductivity so it is used commonly.
  3. The most important use of cement plaster is the perfect ratio of mixture cement coating gives a durable and strong wall finishing.
  4. The common uses of cement plaster are to help to hide faulty workmanship.
  5. To provide a plane and smooth surface for painting or other works the cement plaster is used.
  6. Another use of cement plaster is it prevents the building or walls from dampness.
  7. To make an economical structure the cement plaster is used.

Uses of Gypsum Plaster

  1. The uses of gypsum plaster are, as compared to traditional cement plaster it has low shrinkage property, so it is widely used.
  2. After drying the gypsum plaster its has high strength, lightweight and durable so it is commonly used.
  3. To make a soundproof room the gypsum plaster is commonly used because it has good sound absorption property.
  4. The most important use of gypsum cement is it helps save time and a lot of water because it is not required water treating.
  5. The gypsum plaster saw a time of the construction, in this gypsum plaster the setting time of plaster is just 3 days, the hat is increased construction speed.
  6. And for the cement plaster, it is required for 21 days.
  7. The gypsum is very lighter than other cement plaster so it is used.
  8. Another use of gypsum cement is it is used for cantilever design and false ceiling design.
  9. The lightweight makes it very durable and protects from earth
  10. The gypsum cement is not to required curing after construction. For this, it is used in construction.
  11. Gypsum plaster is used as a fire-resistant material.
  12. In the uses of this gypsum plaster the, walls are gained smooth the surface easily.

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Difference Between Cement Plaster and Gypsum Plaster

Cement plaster can be used in exterior and interior surfaces. Whereas gypsum plaster can only be used on the ceiling and interior walls it cannot be used in wet areas like toilet bath kitchen wash area balconies etc. Whereas gypsum plaster gives a very smooth finish which makes it compatible with paints


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