
What Is Self Compacting Concrete | What Is U Box Test | Equipment U-Box Text | Procedure U-Box Text

What Is Self Compacting Concrete? Making concrete structures without vibration has been done in the past. For example, the placement of concrete under-water is done by the use of tremie without vibration. Shaft concrete and mass concrete may be successfully placed without vibration. But the above examples of concrete are normally of lower strength and…

All About Station in Surveying

Total Station in Surveying | Operations of Surveying | Advantage & Disadvantage of Surveying | Types of Surveying | Uses of Surveying

What Is a Total Station in Surveying? The most frequently used surveying instrument today is the total station (As per below figure No1). An entire station is a combination of a digital theodolite, an electronic distance measuring device (EDM), and a microprocessor with a memory unit. The digital theodolite, initially introduced in the late 1960s…

Compaction Vs. Consolidation
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18 Difference Between Compaction and Consolidation | What Is Compaction | What Is Consolidation

What Is Compaction? compaction of soil is area compacted by the mechanical method to remove air voids in compacted soil this area of soil called compaction. What Is Consolidation? Consolidation is the compaction of soil by the expulsion of water from voids of the soil. Consolidation is a process by which soils decrease in volume….

All About Limited Glass

PVB Vs SGP | What Is Limited Glass | What Is PolyVinyl Butyral (PVB) | What Is Sentry Glass Plus (SGP)

What Is Limited Glass? Laminated Glass is a type of safety glass that holds together when shattered. In the event of breaking, it is held in place by an interlayer, typically of polyvinyl butyral (PVB), ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA), or sentry glass plus(SGP), between its two or more layers of glass. The interlayer keeps the layers…

All About Survey Levelling

What Is Survey Levelling | Important Terms Related to Levelling | What Are Different Types of Levelling | Types of Trigonometric levelling

Introduction of Survey Levelling Survey levelling is the method by which we measure the elevation of one land with respect to others. It can also be defined as a method to find out the difference of elevations of different points on the earth’s surface. It helps surveyors and engineers to level, design, plan, and construct…

All About Concreting in Construction

Concreting in Construction | Classification of Concreting | Properties of Concreting | Grades of Concreting in Construction | Advantage & Disadvantage Concreting

Introduction of Concreting in Construction Concrete is most frequently used man-made construction material in the world and is second only to water as the most used substance on Earth. It’s obtained by mixing cementing materials, water, and aggregates, and at times admixtures, (shown in as per below figure) in required proportions. The mix, when put…

All About Compact Concrete

What Is Self Compact Concrete | What Is J-Ring Test | Equipment of J-ring Test | Procedure of the J-Ring Test

What Is Self Compact Concrete? Making concrete structures without vibration has been done in the past. For example, the placement of concrete under-water is done by the use of tremie without vibration. Shaft concrete and mass concrete may be successfully placed without vibration. But the above examples of concrete are normally of lower strength and…

All About Steel Bars
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What Is Rebar | Why use Reinforcement in Concrete | Types of Steel Reinforcement Bars

We know that Rebar. It is known as reinforcement steel and reinforcing steel. This is a steel bar or mesh bar of steel wire used in reinforced concrete and masonry structures to strengthen and hold this concrete in tension. Reinforcing steel bars are used to help the concrete withstand tension forces. Why use Rinforcmnet in…


How is Concrete Made | What is Concrete | Components of Concrete | How to Mix Concrete

How Is Concrete Made? Concrete is a composite material composed of fine and coarse aggregate bonded together with a fluid cement (cement paste) that hardens (cures) over time. When aggregate is mixed with dry cement and water, the mixture forms a fluid slurry that is easily poured and moulded into shape. What Is a Concrete?…

All About Waffle Slab
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All About Waffle Slab | What is Waffle Slab | Waffle Slab Details | Advantages & Disadvantages Waffle Slab | Waffle Slab Design | Construction of Waffle Slab

What is Waffle Slab? Slabs required supports which is given in the form of columns so that the load coming on the slab can be transmitted through it at the foundation. But sometimes the columns act as an obstruction where longer space is required. In the Construction of auditorium, Large seminar halls and Airports required…