All About Asphalt Flooring What is Asphalt Flooring Asphalt Flooring Used Asphalt Flooring Advantages and Disadvantages

All About Asphalt Flooring | What is Asphalt Flooring | Asphalt Flooring Used | Asphalt Flooring Advantages and Disadvantages

What is Asphalt Flooring? This floor is water-resistance, unclean, junction, acid-resistance and charming in look and like pretty famous nowadays and this floor are even anti-skid and soundless. Asphalt flooring is a flat plane coating produced from a combination of asphalt, chrysotile, paint, and glass beads. It is generally about 1/8 or 3/16 inch flat…

What Are Differences Between Shear Slump and Collapse Slump in Slump Test?

What Are the Differences Between Shear Slump and Collapse Slump in Slump Test?

What Are Differences Between Shear Slump and Collapse Slump in Slump Test? The differences that can be seen between shear slump and collapse slump in lump test are. During slump test when half of the cone slides down in an inclined plane, it is called a shear slump. Shear slump is an indication of the…

What Is Glass Types of Glass Used in Construction Qualities of Glass Advantages & Disadvantages of Glass

What Is Glass | Types of Glass Used in Construction | Qualities of Glass | Advantages & Disadvantages of Glass

What Is Glass? Glass is generally the oldest material and fancy material which is used in the building industry and for other purposes. Glass is generally installed to enhance the beauty of the structure and provides a premium look. Glass is also a fascinating material among people since its discovery. Glass is basically a hard…

What Is Hempcrete | Hempcrete Blocks | Advantages & Disadvantages of Hempcrete Blocks | Applications of Hempcrete

What Is Hempcrete | Hempcrete Blocks | Advantages & Disadvantages of Hempcrete Blocks | Applications of Hempcrete

What Is Hempcrete? Hempcrete is a bio-composite that is made from the inner wood core of the hemp plant and mixed with the lime and other natural materials. It is also known as hemp-concrete. Hemp is a plant that grown without any use of plant protection chemicals. It required a very little amount of water…

Quality Testing of Sand for Concrete | Quality Testing of Sand for Construction | Types of Sand Test

Quality Testing of Sand for Concrete | Quality Testing of Sand for Construction | Types of Sand Test

Quality Testing of Sand at The Construction Site for The Concrete There are different methods for testing the quality of sand at the construction site for concrete construction. The quality of the sand is as important as other materials for concrete. The most different, which passes through the 4.75 mm IS strainer, is known as…

All About of Corrosion What Is Corrosion 9 Different Types of Corrosion

All About of Corrosion | What Is Corrosion | 9 Different Types of Corrosion

What Is Corrosion? Corrosion is a native method that transforms pure metals into a robust synthetic form like oxide or hydroxide. It is the constant of metal because of artificial action with their enclosing. It degrades and erodes the metals by listless their power, looks, and long-lasting factors. Materials will generally part into two sections…

What Is Hard Hat | Hard Hat Colour Definition | Different Hard Hat Colour Codes | Types of Safety Helmets | Classification of Hard Hats

What Is Hard Hat | Hard Hat Colour Definition | Different Hard Hat Colour Codes | Types of Safety Helmets | Classification of Hard Hats

What Is Hard Hat? Hard hats are one of the most important and essential accessories which are widely used on construction sites all over the world. Hard hats are designed in such a way that they will help to protect the head of the worker from any kind of injury. Construction sites are usually prone…

How Cement is Made | Cement Ingredients | History of Cement

How Cement is Made | Cement Ingredients | History of Cement

How Cement Is Made? This Portland cement is a fundamental component of concrete. Concrete is produced when portland cement makes a paste with water that joint with rock and sand to harden. Cement is manufactured through a closely controlled chemical combination of calcium, silicon, aluminium, iron and other ingredients. Common materials used to manufacture cement…