Difference Between Footing and Foundation | What is Footing and Foundation

Difference Between Footing and Foundation | What is Footing and Foundation

What is Footing? Foundation Definition: The footing is generally supporting columns and may be round, square, or rectangular at a plan and in section. They may be of the slab — stepped or sloping type. Thia stepped footing results at a better distribution of load than a slab footing. A sloped footing isn’t less economical,…

8 Different Methods of Concrete Crack Repair | How to Select Suitable Method of Concrete Crack Repair

8 Different Methods of Concrete Crack Repair | How to Select Suitable Method of Concrete Crack Repair

Introduction of Concrete Repair Method Concrete is one of the most widely used building materials in the construction industry all over the world. Concrete is a versatile construction material that possesses various advantages as compared to other construction materials. There are many defects that occur in the concrete with time due to an aggressive environment. There…

What is Floating Foundation | Suitability of the Floating Foundation | Advantages & Disadvantage of Floating Foundation | How to Build a Floating House Foundation

What is Floating Foundation | Suitability of the Floating Foundation | Advantages & Disadvantage of Floating Foundation | How to Build a Floating House Foundation

Introduction of Floating Foundation Foundation is one of the most important parts of the structure which carries the total load of the Structure and transmits it to the underneath strata. There are many parameters which have to be properly studied by the Geotechnical engineer before the construction of foundation otherwise there will be major problems…

All About Wood | Types of Wood | What Is Wood | Advantages of Wood

All About Wood | Types of Wood | What Is Wood | Advantages of Wood

What Is Wood? Wood is a natural product and one of the most beautiful materials, providing a long-term sustainable solution to endless applications. Wood is an organic material, meanings it comes from nature, and the part of nature from that wood comes is the trunks and branches of trees. A structure of the wood itself…

Top 45 Greatest Constructions of Gothic Architecture in World What Is Gothic Architecture Unique Features Of Gothic Architecture

Top 45 Greatest Constructions of Gothic Architecture in World | What Is Gothic Architecture | Unique Features Of Gothic Architecture

Introduction of Gothic Architecture Since the day the human left caves and started living in houses, the birth of architecture occurred. From that day to the modern era, many types of architectural style has been invented, established, and then disappeared from this world leaving different pieces of its existence at different places of the earth….

What Is Spalling Concrete | Causes of Spalling in Concrete | Repairing Concrete Spalding

What Is Spalling Concrete | Causes of Spalling in Concrete | Repairing Concrete Spalding

What Is Spalling of Concrete? Spalling of concrete at fires is the breaking-off of layers of a concrete surface in response to applied heat. Spalling may be either localized or widespread depending upon the fire and concrete condition, particularly moisture content, and the susceptibility to the break-up of heat-unstable aggregate particles. Also Read: 17 Types of…

What Are Curb and Gutter | Types of Curb and Gutter| Advantages & Disadvantages of Curb and Gutter

What Are Curb and Gutter | Types of Curb and Gutter| Advantages & Disadvantages of Curb and Gutter

Introduction of Curb and Gutter There are various types of Curbs and gutters are used in the construction of light and heavy pavements of the road. The Curb and Gutter are installed along the length of the road. The main purpose of providing a curb and gutter is to strengthen the pavement of the road….

9 Curing of Concrete Methods | What Is Curing of Concrete | Why Curing Is Important | Minimum Curing Period for Concrete Cement | How Long Does It Take for Concrete to Dry

9 Curing of Concrete Methods | What Is Curing of Concrete | Why Curing Is Important | Minimum Curing Period for Concrete Cement | How Long Does It Take for Concrete to Dry

What Is Curing of Concrete? Curing performs a crucial role in the growth as well as the resilience of concrete strengths. Since applying water to that same concrete mixture there is an exothermic process that tends to toughen the concrete. Hardening of concrete also isn’t instantaneous yet lasts for a prolonged period of time, taking…

Introduction of Bamboo Advantages & Disadvantages of Bamboo Bamboo Uses in Construction Properties of Bamboo as a Construction Material Bamboo Architecture

Introduction of Bamboo | Advantages & Disadvantages of Bamboo | Bamboo Uses in Construction | Properties of Bamboo as a Construction Material | Bamboo Architecture

Introduction of Bamboo Bamboo is one of the oldest and traditional construction materials used in different construction activities. The bamboos strength it is more as compared to other construction materials. Bamboo as a building material has greater compressive strength and it is lightweight so that it is widely used as a construction material. In this…

Functions of Foundation | Requirements of Good Foundation | Types of Foundation | Types of Shallow Foundations | Types of Deep Foundations

Functions of Foundation | Requirements of Good Foundation | Types of Foundation | Types of Shallow Foundations | Types of Deep Foundations

Introduction of Foundation: Foundation is one of the most important parts of the building. The foundation plays a crucial role in the structure and it is the lowermost part of the building below the ground level which provides a base for the structure. Foundation is the main part of the building which receives the total…