How Cement is Made | Cement Ingredients | History of Cement

How Cement is Made | Cement Ingredients | History of Cement

How Cement Is Made? This Portland cement is a fundamental component of concrete. Concrete is produced when portland cement makes a paste with water that joint with rock and sand to harden. Cement is manufactured through a closely controlled chemical combination of calcium, silicon, aluminium, iron and other ingredients. Common materials used to manufacture cement…

What Is Pier and Beam Foundation | Advantages & Disadvantages of Pier and Beam Foundations | Pier and Beam Foundation Design | How to Build a Post and Pier Foundation

What Is Pier and Beam Foundation | Advantages & Disadvantages of Pier and Beam Foundations | Pier and Beam Foundation Design | How to Build a Post and Pier Foundation

Introduction of Pier and Beam Foundation The foundation plays important role in the construction of the building. The strength of the structure depends on how the foundation of the building is constructed. In the olden days Pier and beam foundation is widely used in the construction of these structures because of its economy. In this…

All About Soak Pit Design | Health Aspects | Operation and Maintenance of Soak Pit | Applicability of Soak Pit Design

All About Soak Pit Design | Health Aspects | Operation and Maintenance of Soak Pit | Applicability of Soak Pit Design

Introduction of Soak Pit Design If there is no intention or need to reuse wastewater, collected rainwater or gray water, immersion pits can offer an economic opportunity for partial treatment of waste-water or ash from a primary treatment (eg septic tank, double pits for flush toilets, biogas collector, deflector anaerobic reactor, etc.) and a relatively…

All About Undercoat | What Is Undercoat | What Does Undercoat Paint Do | Why Use Undercoat | Difference Between Primer and Undercoat

All About Undercoat | What Is Undercoat | What Does Undercoat Paint Do | Why Use Undercoat | Difference Between Primer and Undercoat

Introduction of Undercoat Paint plays a crucial role in the appearance of the structure. Paint also protects the structure from the external agencies. Painting enhances the aesthetical view of the structure. It is very necessary that the painting of the home should be done properly because it helps to maintain the overall condition of the…

What Is Septic Tank How Does A Septic Tank Work Septic Tank Design based Per User Consumption

What Is Septic Tank | How Does A Septic Tank Work | Septic Tank Design based Per User Consumption

What Is Septic Tank? A septic tank collects and treats wastewater in a property that isn’t linked to the mains sewer system and is, thus, most commonly used in rural areas. The term ‘septic’ means’infected with microorganisms’; the tanks contain bacteria that break down organic waste. The inclusion of a bacterial treatment mechanism would be…

What Is Folded Plate Folded Plate Structure Folded Plate Roof Construction Details Folded Plate Staircase What Are Folded Plate Roofs

What Is Folded Plate | Folded Plate Structure | Folded Plate Roof Construction Details | Folded Plate Staircase | What Are Folded Plate Roofs

What Is Folded Plate? When assemblies of flat plates are rigidly connected together with each other along their edges, such setup is known as Folded Plate. Folded Plates are connected to in such a way that the structural system is capable of carrying loads without the need of additional supporting beams along mutual edges. The…

What Is Shotcrete | Shotcrete & Concrete | Shotcrete Technology | Types of Shotcrete Technology | Advantages of Shotcrete | Disadvantages of Shotcrete

What Is Shotcrete | Shotcrete & Concrete | Shotcrete Technology | Types of Shotcrete Technology | Advantages of Shotcrete | Disadvantages of Shotcrete

What Is Shotcrete? Shotcrete is a kind of refined concrete drizzled by a gas hose-pipe nozzle at high pressure & velocity on a projectile motion on a prepared wall surface. It is strengthened by conventional steel rods, steel mesh or fibres. It is often utilised in tunnels, underground walls, retaining walls, drainage systems & swimming…

All About Brick Bat Coba | What Is a Brick Bat Coba | Procedure of Brick Bat Coba Waterproofing | Advantages & Disadvantage of Brick Bat Coba Waterproofing

All About Brick Bat Coba | What Is a Brick Bat Coba | Procedure of Brick Bat Coba Waterproofing | Advantages & Disadvantage of Brick Bat Coba Waterproofing

Introduction of Brick Bat Coba We spent a lot of money on the interior and exterior view of our home. But many people don’t spend money on the waterproofing of their homes due to which they face the problems of leakages in the rainy season. Water is one of the biggest enemies of Buildings. It…