What Is Under-Reamed Pile Foundation | Uses of Under-Reamed Piles | Advantages & Disadvantages of Under-Reamed Piles | Application of Under Reamed Piles

What Is Under-Reamed Pile Foundation | Uses of Under-Reamed Piles | Advantages & Disadvantages of Under-Reamed Piles

Reamed Meaning Reamed is a cutting procedure for which a cutting process creates a very precise hole size. What Is Under-Reamed Pile Foundation? The Under-Reamed Piles Foundation is a response in areas whereby black cotton soil might eventually cause structural instability. In most instances, soils experience volumetric variations due to fluctuations in moisture below the…

What Is Chicken Mesh for Plaster Type of Chicken Mesh for Plaster Why Use Chicken Mesh for Plaster

What Is Chicken Mesh for Plaster | Type of Chicken Mesh for Plaster | Why Use Chicken Mesh for Plaster

What Is Chicken Mesh for Plaster? Chicken wire has specific properties for plastering use. Chicken wire mesh is formed by twisting two adjacent wires at least four times, forming a strong honeycomb mesh structure. So, it has high strength and durability. Using it when plastering effectively prevents the plaster layer from drying out and cracking….

What Is Well Foundation | Component of Well Foundation

What Is Well Foundation | Component of Well Foundation

What Is Well Foundation? Well Foundation is a type of deep foundation that is generally provided below the water level for bridges. Cassions or well have been in use for foundations of bridges and other structures since the Roman and Mughal periods. The term ‘ cassions ’ is derived from the French word Caisse which…

What Is Plaster Types of Plaster As Per Material Defects In Plastering

What Is Plaster | Types of Plaster As Per Material | Defects In Plastering

What Is Plaster? This is the process of covering rough walls, uneven surfaces in the construction house, and other structures with a plastic material, called plaster or mortar. Sometimes, the term ‘rendering’ is used instead of plastering when the plaster or cement is applied to the external surface of the wall either to improve the…

10 Construction Certifications and Where to Get Them

10 Construction Certifications and Where to Get Them

Introduction of Construction Certifications Certification can be a huge addition to a construction worker’s resume, as it tells an employer that you’re serious about keeping your qualifications and experience updated. Beyond the possible career development opportunities, certifications are needed in certain cases. Both state and national building codes, as well as project developers, now need…

What Is Fire Escape Staircases Types of Fire Escaping Stairs What Is the Importance of Fire Escape in the Building What Are the Fire Staircase Requirements

What Is Fire Escape Staircases | Types of Fire Escaping Stairs | What Is the Importance of Fire Escape in the Building | What Are the Fire Staircase Requirements

Introduction of Fire Escape Staircase Urbanization leads to the Construction of the High Rise building. It is also necessary to design high-rise buildings such that they will fulfill all the safety criteria. It is necessary to provide a fire escape in case of emergency or fire hazard. The staircase is one of the most preferred…

What Are Hollow Bricks Advantage of Hollow Bricks Disadvantage of Hollow Bricks Sizes of Bricks Blocks How to Make Hollow Bricks

What Are Hollow Bricks | Advantage of Hollow Bricks | Disadvantage of Hollow Bricks | Sizes of Bricks Blocks | How to Make Hollow Bricks

Introduction of Hollow Bricks Bricks are one of the most essential and commonly used Building units in the construction world after cement. Traditional bricks are widely used in the construction of Buildings. Nowadays there are many innovations and research going on in the construction industry to develop innovative and cost-effective Construction materials which have more…

What Is Bamboo Flooring | Bamboo Flooring Pros and Cons

What Is Bamboo Flooring | Bamboo Flooring Pros and Cons

What Is Bamboo Flooring? Bamboo flooring is evolving as a popular choice to standard hardwood flooring as it has material resemblances to hardwood but is more long-lasting, eco-friendly, and endurable. Bamboo is not wood, it is a grass native to China that is trimmed down into stripes or strands, dried, and machined into flooring planks….