10 Mortar Vs Concrete | What Is Mortar & Concrete | Types of Mortar & Concrete
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10 Different Between Mortar And Concrete | What Is Mortar & Concrete | Types of Mortar & Concrete

What Is Mortar? Mortar is a mixture in varying proportions of binding material like cement or lime and an inert material like sand or surkhi (crushed burnt brick) or crushed stone mixed with water. According to requirement, definite quantities of cementing material, sand, or surkhi, and water is added and thoroughly mixed to make a…

Types of Bearing Capacity Failures of Foundation | Bearing Capacity Definitions | Theory of Terzaghi’s Bearing Capacity
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Types of Bearing Capacity Failures of Foundation | Bearing Capacity Definitions | Theory of Terzaghi’s Bearing Capacity

Bearing Capacity Definitions Bearing capacity: It is the loading capacity of the soil. Ultimate bearing capacity (qu): That is the least gross pressure that will result in the shear collapse of the supporting soil directly below the foundation. Net ultimate bearing power (qun): it is the net strain that can be added to the foundation…

Civil Engineering Basic Knowledge

Civil Engineering Basic Knowledge

Abbreviation, Full Forms, and Terminology. [su_table responsive=”yes” alternate=”no”] Name Description ASTM American society for testing materials C/C Center to center distance DL Development length Sub-structure Structure which is below the ground level Super-structure Structure which is above ground level Elevation View which we can see when we stand right in front of the structure on any…

Heartwood Vs Sapwood | What Is Sapwood | What Is Heartwood

Difference Between Heartwood and Sapwood | What Is Sapwood | What Is Heartwood

Difference Between Heartwood and Sapwood The main difference between the heartwood and the sapwood is that the heartwood is deadwood, interior, while the sapwood is the outermost portion of a wood that is alive. Hardwood vs sapwood In addition, the heartwood occupies a large part of the transversal area of the wood, while the sapwood…

Difference Between Mat Foundation and Spread Footing | What Is Mat Footing | What Is Spread Footing
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Difference Between Mat Foundation and Spread Footing | What Is Mat Footing | What Is Spread Footing

Introduction of Mat Foundation Vs Spread Footing Mat foundation is also called a raft foundation. Generally, it is a continuous slab laying on the soil on which all the columns and beams of the structure are constructed. By the mat foundation, all load of the building or structure is transferred to the soil. Where the…

What Is Frost Wall | Types of Frost Wall | Requirements for Frost Wall Construction | Application of Frost Wall | Advantages of Frost Wall | Uses of Frost Wall
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What Is Frost Wall | Types of Frost Wall | Requirements for Frost Wall Construction | Application of Frost Wall | Advantages of Frost Wall | Uses of Frost Wall

What Is Frost Wall? The Frost wall or frost-protected wall structure is built to keep soil below the building against freezing to secure the foundations in freezing conditions. The Types of frost walls, their specifications, and applications are addressed. The frosting is a significant problem for buildings in colder climates. These undesirable results are more…

What Is Plate Load Test | Method of Plate Load Test | Limitations of Plate Load Test | What Is Plate Bearing Test Procedure | Advantages & Disadvantages of Plate Load Test
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What Is Plate Load Test | Method of Plate Load Test | Limitations of Plate Load Test | Advantages & Disadvantages of Plate Load Test

What Is Plate Load Test? The Plate Load Test is a field method to identify the ultimate bearing capacity of the soil as well as the possible settlement under such a specified load. In essence, the test consists of taking a rigid plate only at the base level then deciding the settlement relating from each…

What Is Isolated Foundation | Types of Isolated Foundations | Shape of Isolated Foundations | Design of Isolated Foundation | Advantage & Disadvantageof Isolated Foundation
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What Is Isolated Foundation | Types of Isolated Foundations | Shape of Isolated Foundations | Design of Isolated Foundation | Advantage & Disadvantageof Isolated Foundation

What Is Isolated Foundation? Isolated foundations are structural components often used to distribute and deliver loads of individual columns to the soil and without exhausting its bearing capacity, in addition to avoiding undue settling and as well as ensuring sufficient protection against both slipping and trying to overturn. These are often used in the presence…

What Is Tunel | Types of Tunnels | What Are Tunnels Used for | Classification of Tunnel | How Are Tunnels Built |Advantages of Tunnels | Disadvantages of Tunnels
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What Is Tunel | Types of Tunnels | What Are Tunnels Used for | Classification of Tunnel | How Are Tunnels Built |Advantages & Disadvantages of Tunnels

What Is Tunel? Tunnels are artificial underwater tunnels that are built without damaging the surface of the earth. The tunnels are underwater passageways used mostly for transport purposes. They may be used to transport freight and travellers, water, sanitation, respectively. Tunnels are often more efficient than open cuts over a certain depth. Tunnels prevent disruption…