All About Waffle Slab Foundation What is Waffle Slab Foundation Waffle Slab Foundation Pros and Cons Features of Waffle Slab Foundation

All About Waffle Slab Foundation | What is Waffle Slab Foundation | Waffle Slab Foundation Pros and Cons | Features of Waffle Slab Foundation

What is Waffle Slab Foundation? The waffle slab foundation system is also called a waffle mat foundation. The waffle slab foundation is constructed above the ground like a mat foundation and is also used to provide a load-bearing capacity on expensive, compressible, rocky, or hydro collapsible soil. To construct a waffle slab foundation at first,…

What Is Transportation Engineering | Major Disciplines of Transportation Engineering | What Do Transportation Engineers Do

What Is Transportation Engineering | Major Disciplines of Transportation Engineering | What Do Transportation Engineers Do

What Is Transportation Engineering? Transportation plays an important role in the development of the country. Transportation Engineering is a branch of civil engineering which deals with the planning, designing, operation, and maintenance of an efficient and safe transportation system. It is a responsibility of Transportation Engineer to plan, design, build and operate the whole Transportation…

What Is Pad Foundation | Failure of Pad Foundation | Pad Foundation Detail | Types of Pad Foundation | Design of the Pad Footing Depends on Several Factors

What Is Pad Foundation | Failure of Pad Foundation | Pad Foundation Detail | Types of Pad Foundation | Design of the Pad Footing Depends on Several Factors

What Is Pad Foundation? Pad footing is the type of shallow footing used to spread a concentrated load through columns into the soil mass. It’s also known as isolated footing. It can also be deep, depending upon the ground conditions. It can either be reinforced or non-reinforced. It’s constructed by digging holes into the ground,…

Types of Roof Tiles | Tile Roof Replacement | Tile Installation Cost | Roofing Tile Price | Ceramic Tile Price Per Square Foot | Tile Installation Factors

Types of Roof Tiles | Tile Roof Replacement | Tile Installation Cost | Roofing Tile Price | Ceramic Tile Price Per Square Foot | Tile Installation Factors

Types of Roof Tiles There are various types of tiles that are available in the market. There are mainly twelve types of tiles are available, those are Slate Roof Tile Metal Roof Tile Concrete Roof Tile Composite Roof Tile Solar Roof Tile Clay Roof Tile Synthetic Spanish Barrel Roof Tile Synthetic Slate Roof Tile Synthetic Cedar…

What Is Mat Foundation | Mat Slab Foundation| Advantage and Disadvantage of Mat Slab Foundation | Types of Mat Foundation | Where Mat Foundation Is Used

What Is Mat Foundation | Mat Slab Foundation| Advantage and Disadvantage of Mat Slab Foundation | Types of Mat Foundation | Where Mat Foundation Is Used

What Is Mat Foundation? Mat foundation is also called a raft foundation. Generally, it is a continuous slab laying on the soil on which all the columns and beam of the structure are constructed. By the mat foundation, all load of the building or structure is transferred to the soil. Where the soil condition is…

What Is Soil Vent Pipe | How Does Soil Stack Pipe Works | Soil Vent Pipe Material | Types of Plumbing System

What Is Soil Vent Pipe | How Does Soil Stack Pipe Works | Soil Vent Pipe Material | Types of Plumbing System

Introduction of Soil Vent Pipe The plumbing system and the Drainage of the important aspect of the building because it helps to drain off the wastewater from the building. The wastewater in the building should be properly removed through the pipes to the septic tanks and sanitary sewer. If the proper design and fittings of…

Shotcrete Vs Gunite | What Is Gunite | Advantage & Disadvantage of Guniting Process | What Is Shotcrete | Advantage & Disadvantage of Shotcreting

Shotcrete Vs Gunite | What Is Gunite | Advantage & Disadvantage of Guniting Process | What Is Shotcrete | Advantage & Disadvantage of Shotcreting

Introduction of Shotcrete Vs Gunite Shotcreting and Guniting are one of the most important and widely used techniques in construction. The purpose of using the shotcrete and Guniting method is the same but the process of application is different. Guniting and shotcreting are both different techniques. Many people do not know the difference between Guniting…

What Is Hydraulic Cement | Hydraulic Cement Uses | How to Apply Hydraulic Cement | Advantages & Disadvantages of Hydraulic Cement

What Is Hydraulic Cement | Hydraulic Cement Uses | How to Apply Hydraulic Cement | Advantages & Disadvantages of Hydraulic Cement

Introduction of Hydraulic Cement Water is the biggest enemy of the Civil Engineering Structures. Water can cause great damage to the structures. It is very necessary to protect the structures from moisture which can cause huge damage to the structures. The other types of cement cannot be used for the construction of the structures which are…

What Is Bulking of Sand | Bulking of Sand Is Caused Due to | Bulking of Sand Graph | Bulking of Sand Formula | Test Procedure to Determine the Bulking of Sand

What Is Bulking of Sand | Bulking of Sand Is Caused Due to | Bulking of Sand Graph | Bulking of Sand Formula | Test Procedure to Determine the Bulking of Sand

What Is Bulking of Sand? The free moisture content in the fine aggregate or sand results in bulking of its volume. The phenomenon of increase in sand volume due to the addition of water or increase of moisture content is termed as Bulking of Sand. Bulking of Sand occurs when a film of water is…

All About Sandbag Cofferdam | What Is Sandbag Cofferdam | Advantages of Sandbag Cofferdam

All About Sandbag Cofferdam | What Is Sandbag Cofferdam | Advantages of Sandbag Cofferdam

What Is Sandbag Cofferdam? The cofferdam is a short-term design that supports the building activity behind the logical waterless situation. A sandbag is none but a bag covered with sand and brick. While these sandbags will apply to create a cofferdam, it will call a sandbag cofferdam. In this process, void bags will equal as…