What Is Bitumen and Bitumens Types?

What Is Bitumen and Bitumens Types?

What is Bitumen? Bitumen is a viscous, solid, or nonvolatile liquid. Bitumen is a complex and complected colloid system, the chemical properties of that are determined by the properties of crude oil by which it’s produced. Pure bitumen is a colloid dispersion of microscopic asphalt particles in oil (dispersion agent).The chemical composition of bitumen is…

What Is Sewage Pump | Types of Sewage Pump | Advantages and Disadvantages of Sewage Pump

What Is Sewage Pump | Types of Sewage Pump | Advantages and Disadvantages of Sewage Pump

What Is a Sewage Pump? A sewage pump will apply to move sewage liquids and stability from one place to other. The main things which may conduct mushy stable up to 2 inches in width will pump from sewage pump to a sewer septic tank, and the final application of the sewage pump will design….

All About Bathroom Accessories | 28 Different Types of Bathroom Accessories

All About Bathroom Accessories | 28 Different Types of Bathroom Accessories

What Are Bathroom Accessories? The bathroom needs every section of the house. Now, bathrooms are essential for us. The bathroom isn’t big, but its style should be ready delicately. The structure of the bathrooms also depends on what other kinds of bathroom accessories and washroom accessories approve. Bathroom items usually pay attention to the early stages…

Commercial Building Roof Types What is Commercial Building Roof

Commercial Building Roof Types | What is Commercial Building Roof

What is Commercial Building Roof? Commercial roofs are available in the marketplace in different types and different shapes according to the budget of the owner and the needs of the building. Types of roofs and the durability of the roof play an important role in the health of your building and the longevity of the…

All About Roof Overhangs | 10 Various Types of Roof Overhangs | Standard Roof Overhangs | Overhang Roof Design | Roof Overhangs on Houses

All About Roof Overhangs | 10 Various Types of Roof Overhangs | Standard Roof Overhangs | Overhang Roof Design | Roof Overhangs on Houses

What Is Roof Overhangs? The distance between the house’s siding and the roof determines how much of an overhang there is on the roof. A structure known as the soffit is what can be found beneath an overhang. Although overhangs on slate roofs are typically longer than those on other roofs, almost all buildings have…

What Is Canal | Classification of Canals | What Is Perennial Canal | Advantages & Disadvantages of Canal Irrigation

What Is Canal | Classification of Canals | What Is Perennial Canal | Advantages & Disadvantages of Canal Irrigation

Introduction of Canal Canal plays one of the most important roles in transportation and global commerce. The canal is widely used for the irrigation and drainage urban Water Supply, hydroelectric power generation, transportation of cargo and power generation purposes. In this article, you will get to know what is a Canal Irrigation and the classification…

All About Transportation of Concrete | What Is Transportation of Concrete | Methods for Transportation of Concrete

All About Transportation of Concrete | What Is Transportation of Concrete | Methods for Transportation of Concrete

What Is Transportation of Concrete? Transportation of concrete is a process where we move freshly prepared concrete from one place to another place. Generally, we move concrete to that place where that concrete need to be dumped for structural construction purpose. The method of transportation of concrete depends upon the setting time of concrete, workability…

Bolt Vs Screw What Is Bolt What Is Screws

Bolt Vs Screw | What Is Bolt | What Is Screws

What Is Bolt? A bolt is an externally threaded fastener created for the insertion through holes in the assembled parts. Generally, bolts are intended to be released by nuts. This Bolts in a uniform circular cross-section, the threads are spiral in structure and have a smaller pitch as compared to screws. These bolts don’t have tapered…