
Types of Tests on Bricks

Types of Tests on Bricks

Types of Tests on Bricks

For construction works to determine the suitability of bricks the following test is conducted-

  • Absorption test.
  • Crushing strength test.
  • Hardness test.
  • Shape and size.
  • Colour test.
  • Soundness test.
  • Structure of bricks.
  • Efflorescence test of bricks.

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1. Absorption Test

Absorption Test

The water absorption test is conducted to find out the extreme conditions of bricks to the amount of moisture content. In the water absorption test, the weight and dry bricks are taken as a sample. For a period of 24 hours, the weighing bricks for full immersing are placed in water.

To note down its value the weight of the wet brick. We will get the amount of water absorption by the difference between the wet and dry bricks. If the quality of the bricks is good then the amount of water absorption should not exceed 20% of the self-weight of dry bricks.

2. Crushing Strength Test

Crushing Strength Test

By placing the bricks on a compression testing machine the crushing strength or compressive strength of a brick can be determined. A continuous load is applied on the bricks that on placed on a compression testing machine until the brick cannot breaks.

To find out the crushing strength value of bricks, the failure load of the bricks should be noted down. According to the IS code, the minimum crushing strength of bricks should not be less than 3.50N/mm2. The bricks which not useful for construction purposes’ compressive strength value is less than 3.50N/mm2.

3. Hardness Test

Hardness Test

Against sharp things, the good bricks should resist scratches. For this test to make scratches a sharp tool or figure nail is used. It is said to be a good brick if by the sharp tool or nail on the bricks is no scratch impression.

4. Shape and Size

Shape and Size

In the construction, the size and shape of the bricks are a very important consideration. The size of the brick that is used for the construction should be uniformly of all bricks. With a sharp edge, the shape of the bricks should be perfectly rectangular.

The standard size of the bricks is a consideration in the construction is length X breadth X height. That is 190mm X 90mm X 90mm in size. For this test the 20 bricks are randomly placed lengthwise after that the total length is measured as a similar measurement is taken with its length and breadth.

5. Colour Test

Colour Test

A good brick should be obtained throughout its body in a uniform and bright color.

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6. Soundness Test

The soundness test is a very important property in all the test that is done in the brick test. In this test when we stack a brick with a hammer the sound that is come from the brick should be metallic and not be dull.

Or two bricks are randomly select and then one brick is stack to the another the come-out sound should be metallic and the bricks should not be broken.

7. Structure of Bricks

Structure of Bricks

In the structure of the brick test, a good brick has a compact and homogenous structure. For knowing the structure of the bricks one brick is randomly select and break it and observe the cross-section of the brick that’s should be free from lumps and holes.

8. Efflorescence Test of Bricks

Efflorescence Test of Bricks

For the efflorescence test of bricks, the bricks should be immersed 24 hours in water. After immersing 24 hours the bricks in the water we should be carefully observed for grey or white patches. That’s coming in the bricks due to the presence of harmful alkalis. The observation report should be prepared as nil, slight, moderate, heavy, and serious.

  • Nil- in this there have no patches.
  • Slight-In this observation 10 percent area of the bricks is covered by the patches.
  • Moderate- In this observation 10 to 50 percent area of the bricks is covered by the patches.
  • Heavy- In this observation, more than 50 percent area of the bricks are covered by the patches.
  • Serious- By flaking of the surface the heavy patches are accompanied.

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Water Absorption Test of Bricks

Water Absorption Test of Bricks

The Water Absorption Test Is a Very Important Test of Bricks That Is Conduct in Our Civil Engineering-

  1. The water absorption test is conducted to find out the extreme conditions of bricks to the amount of moisture content.
  2. In the water absorption test, the weight and dry bricks are taken as a sample.
  3. For a period of 24 hours, the weighing bricks for full immersing are placed in water.
  4. To note down its value the weight of the wet brick.
  5. We will get the amount of water absorption by the difference between the wet and dry bricks.
  6. If the quality of the bricks is good, then the amount of water absorption should not be exceeding 20% of the self-weight of dry bricks.

First Class Bricks Water Absorption

After immersing 24 hours the bricks in water, for the first class bricks, the water absorption should not be more than 15 percent and for the normal good bricks, it should not be more than 20 percent of its self-weight.

IS Code for Brick Testing

Yes, there have a code in construction for the brick testing that is below-

  • All the above tests of bricks that we did in construction by the INDIAN STANDARD CODE- IS 5454: 1976.

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Efflorescence Test of Bricks

Efflorescence Test of Bricks

The Efflorescence Test Is a Very Important Test of Bricks That Is Conduct in Our Civil Engineering

  1. For the efflorescence test of bricks, the bricks should be immersed 24 hours in water.
  2. After immersing 24 hours the bricks in the water we should be carefully observed for grey or white patches.
  3. That’s coming in the bricks due to the presence of harmful alkalis.
  4. The observation report should be prepared as nil, slight, moderate, heavy, and serious.
    • Nil- in this there have no patches.
    • Slight-In this observation 10 percent area of the bricks is covered by the patches.
    • Moderate- In this observation 10 to 50 percent area of the bricks is covered by the patches.
    • Heavy- In this observation, more than 50 percent area of the bricks are covered by the patches.
    • Serious- By flaking of the surface the heavy patches are accompanied.

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Compressive Strength Test of Bricks

Compressive Strength Test of Bricks

The Compressive Strength Test Is a Very Important Test of Bricks That Is Conduct in Our Civil Engineering

  1. At first, we have to select five random bricks for this test and immersed the bricks 24 hours in water.
  2. After immersing the bricks for 24 hours then place the bricks on a compression testing machine the compressive or crushing strength of a brick can be determined.
  3. A continuous load is applied on the bricks that on placed on a compression testing machine until the brick cannot breaks.
  4. To find out the crushing strength value of bricks, the failure load of the bricks should be noted down.
  5. According to the IS code, the minimum crushing strength of bricks should not be less than 3.50N/mm2.

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How to Check Brick Quality?

How to Check Brick Quality

To check the quality of the bricks we have too many tests on bricks that are below-

  1. Colour test- the color should be uniformly bright.
  2. Shape-the bricks should have perfectly right-angle corners.
  3. Size-its size should be prescribed by the code.
  4. Sound-when one brick is stack by a hammer or other brick the come-out sound should be metallic.
  5. Hardness-when scratch with a nail on the bricks there has no impression left on the bricks.
  6. Strength-the crushing strength value of the bricks as high as possible. It should not be less than 3.5N/mm2.
  7. Water absorption-after immersing 24 hours the bricks in water, the water absorption should not be more than 20 percent and for the first-class bricks, it should not be more than 15 percent of its self-weight.
  8. Fire resistance- the good bricks are also fire resistant.

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Water Absorption of First Class Bricks

Water Absorption of First Class Bricks

After immersing 24 hours the bricks in water, for the first class bricks, the water absorption should not be more than 15 percent and for the normal good bricks, it should not be more than 20 percent of its self-weight.

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Water Absorption

Water absorption is defined as the amount of water absorbed by a material and is calculated as the ratio of the weight of water absorbed to the weight of the dry material.

Brick and Timber

Brick + timber has 3.5 stars from 156 reviews.

Clinker Brick

Definition/what is a clinker brick? Clinker bricks are partially-vitrified bricks used in the construction of buildings. Clinker bricks are produced when wet clay bricks are exposed to excessive heat during the firing process, sintering the surface of the brick and forming a shiny, dark-coloured coating.

Brick Roof

Roof tiles are designed mainly to keep out rain, and are traditionally made from locally available materials such as terracotta or slate. Modern materials such as concrete, metal and plastic are also used and some clay tiles have a waterproof glaze.

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Cons: stone walls are thick and heavy, reducing floor space. It also has a high self-weight, combined with low flexural strength, tensile strength and seismic resistance. Stone masonry is time-consuming and it requires skilled workers, since it cannot be altered, repaired or relocate easily.


Tuckpointing helps to prevent water from entering into the chimney system. If the mortar joints are not repaired, water will seep down the chimney and sometimes between the chimney and the flue lining. Moisture can do a serious amount of unseen damage, such as cause mold, mildew, and rotting wood.

Engraved Bricks

Nearly any font can be used when engraving a brick. Logos, clip art, and even custom artwork can be engraved into brick, providing your customer’s many options. When using traditional methods of engraving bricks, you are limited by the size of the chisel.

Brick Masonry near Me

The biggest difference between brick veneer and solid brick is the main building support. Solid masonry is the structural support of the building. With brick veneer, the structural support comes from the concrete, steel, or wood that makes up the backup wall, and the brick is on the exterior for aesthetic purposes.

Brick Driveway

In the long run, brick paver driveways can prove to be less of a hassle, and more cost-effective, than concrete driveways are. These alternative driveway surfaces are easier to maintain, are safer in wet conditions, and they are much simpler, and cheaper to repair.

Brick and Stone near Me

The average-sized home can cost between $25,000 and $55,000 for standard brick siding and $27,000 to $80,000 for standard stone.


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